Thursday, April 30, 2009

Information and the network sociaty

Manuel Castells , in Informationalism, networks and network society: a Theroretical blueprint, talks about the design of network, and speaks of how network is something all living things have in common. As he states: ‘Networks constitute the fundamental pattern of life, all kinds of life’.

I do agree with this statement, however Castells argues that this is for prosperity. In this statement I do not disagree, although I believe prosperity is a byproduct of what the real factor for network is. I believe that the real factor that all living life has some form of network, is for the reason that all life seeks companionship. Humans being perhaps the most social life form on this planet have reached a overcome nature to achieve that companionship. In the quest for this companionship, to be able to reach your hand across the oceans and mountains have brought us to an amazing journey of socio-evolution.

As Castells speaks of as well, we are in the middle of an development of communication technologies, and the expand of network we have been capable of creating around us, has brought us to a level of optimizing our network to the extent that all communication and sharing of information is almost instantaneous.
However he concludes with the notion that all the technologies that we have surrounded our self with, are as good as we are to use it. He mentions that a computer in a class room is as good as the teacher is to teach the school kids to how to us it, or how willing the kids are to learn how to use it.

He concludes with that we are not in the information or knowledge society, he bases this in that knowledge and information has always been a necessary foundation of efficiency and influence.

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